...is Tommy Greatrex then, really? In one way or another I've been asking myself this question all my life, yet still I find myself nowhere near an answer. If, for some reason, you've read either of my first two blog posts* you're probably just as confused as I am.
Based on what I've been told at various times in my life, by different people who may or may not have liked me, I sometimes vaguely look a bit like 'ginger' and 'not so ginger' celebrities. Out of all this hearsay I've created a sliding scale that I like to call The sliding scale of Tommy Greatrex-ness. See Exhibit 1A.
Originally existing solely in my mind, the sliding scale allows me to plot my physical appearance and current state of mind twofold:
1) How ginger I feel in myself (flowing from left to right)
2) How stressed I feel with life (flowing from the outside in)
To save any confusion, as it can be a bit of a mindbender, the scale can be seen in a physical format above for you to peruse at your leisure.
It shouldn't be forgotten, however, that sometimes I go off piste (vague Winter Olympics reference) and will don myself a baseball cap. You'd have thought this in itself would require a whole new sliding scale of Tommy Greatrex-ness but luckily for me there's wheelchair bound lad in the rather good BBC sitcom Bad Education who couldn't be more spot on, so I just try and mimic him.
Taking the above out of the equation and just focussing on what I've been up to in recent weeks, I've mainly been a customer advisor for Audi/Aldi (the one that does the cars!) Vorsprung Durch Technik!
This slightly strange turn of events is quite ironic given my own track record with the 4-wheeled machine. All I'll say is you've not quite experienced humiliation until you've failed your driving test, with 4 majors and 15 minors (which technically is another major), in half the time it would take a normal person to complete their test.
Enough about me though, in my next post I'll be reviewing Potdog, the bunless hotdog, and also creating my very own alternative meal, using only Shreddies and a cup of tea. I won't give too much away on that though now.
*Check me out with a subtle yet delightful link back to previous posts. Go on, have a look when you get a chance. 353 Days Until Christmas... and The Difficult Second Blog Post...
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